Freddy VINET
Membre permanent
Fonction actuelle | |
spécialité |
Géographie des risques
responsabilités |
DOMAINES DE RECHERCHE ET D’EXPERTISE | Dr Freddy Vinet is a professor of geography at university of Paul-Valery Montpellier 3 (France) with a 25 years experience in teaching and searching on the impacts of natural hazards and their prevention. He participated to numerous field studies on the vulnerability of coastal areas after the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, after the sea surge “Xynthia” in western France (2010) and hurricane Irma in lesser Antillas (2017). He is the head of a master degree “disaster risk management” teaching students on methods (especially GIS) to handle natural hazards. His most recent major publication is a 2-volume handbook on floods : Floods 1 : risk knowledge and Floods 2 risk management (Iste Editor) He also published a comprehensive book on the Spanish Flu (1918-1919), the deadliest disaster of the 20th century. |
terrains d’études |
Europe, Antilles, Bassin Méditerranéen, Afrique |
collaborations SCIENTIFIQUES |
RECHERCHEs en cours |
(co-)direction de thèses |